7/19/2009 05:57:00 μ.μ.

(5) Comments

15 years ago and little more....

Germans force Croats
to transfer arms to Bosnian mujahedin
On 4 September 1992, the CIA discovered an Iran Air Boeing 747 at Zagreb airport. Subsequent investigation revealed that the jumbo jet was loaded with weapons, ammunition, anti-tank rockets, communication equipment and other military equipment, such as uniforms and helmets, destined for the ABiH [Bosnian Muslim Army] in Bosnia. [Croat] President Tudjman informed [British] mediator Lord Owen accordingly... The Bush administration protested in Zagreb and the arms were confiscated, after which Croatia appeared to stop all further clandestine arms transport via Zagreb.

On 29-30 October 1992, Bosnian President Izetbegovic paid a visit to Teheran and entered into an agreement according to which Iran would again attempt to supply necessary goods via Zagreb. Turkey and Saudi Arabia also offered assistance but attached the condition that Izetbegovic should not request assistance from Iran. This did not dissuade the Bosnian from reaching an agreement with Teheran... After Croatia had normalized its diplomatic relations with Iran in April 1992, it was represented in Teheran by the Croatian Muslim Osman Muftic, who elaborated the details of the agreement with the Bosnian ambassador in Teheran, Omer Behmen, and a confidant of Izetbegovic, Hasan Cengic.

[Only a month after the first, unsuccessful, covert arms shipment:] On 1 November 1992, an Iranian Boeing 747 landed in Zagreb with sixty tons of "humanitarian goods". A few days later the Iranian religious leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei donated $3.3 million to Sarajevo. At the end of November, the Iranian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ali Akbar Velayati, paid a visit to Zagreb to discuss the further logistical details. This was surprising, because in this period there was heavy fighting between Croatia and Bosnia.

Perhaps Bonn put pressure on Zagreb to cooperate. Close connections happened to exist between the German Bundesnachrichtendienst and the Iranian services. For example, this German service allegedly supplied computer hardware to Teheran, and it trained Iranian intelligence officers in Munich in 1992. In the same period, a variety of clandestine arms supplies were set up for Croatia and Bosnia [Muslims] by Croatian Catholic relief organizations. They ran via Ludwigshafen under the leadership of Father Johannes, and involved walkie-talkies, helmets, sleeping bags, field kitchens and uniforms, which mainly came from old stocks from the GDR [the East Germany].

America arms Mujahedin safe heaven

a special for osce

a special for EU

a special for EP

Al Qaeda organized El Mujahedeen Unit marches in downtonw Zenica in central Bosnia, 1995 carrying the flag of jihad. Al Qaeda organized jihadist El Mujahedeen Unit, made up of 1,200 Bosnian Muslims and 500 Arab-Afghans, committed war crimes and atrocities against Serbian and Croatian civilians and POWs.

and his protectors

war criminals?

5 Responses to "15 years ago and little more...."
grsail said :
20 Ιουλίου 2009 στις 2:05 π.μ.
Εξαιρετική συλλογή πληροφορίας !
Θεωρώ τον εαυτό μου τυχερό γιατί μπορεί να μην έχω στο μυαλό μου όλες τις λεπτομέρειες, τουλάχιστον κατάλαβα τι έγινε τότε και γιατί, ποιοί έπαιξαν το υποκριτικό χαρτί της 'προστασίας των μουσουλμανων' και με ποιούς στόχους.

Είναι από τις πλέον σκοτεινές σελίδες της Ευρωπαϊκής ιστορίας !

Οι Αμερικάνοι έχουν την μικρότερη ευθύνη αφού προσκλήθηκαν "να καθαρίσουν" από τους Ευρωπαίους φίλους τους !

Φαίνεται ότι η αναίμακτη και περιέργως αστραπιαία πτώση του Τείχους είχε και τις 'παρενέργειές' της.

Βαριά και βρώμικη κληρονομιά για την Ευρώπη !
tiktos said :
20 Ιουλίου 2009 στις 5:33 π.μ.
Aδερφέ καλημέρα
Μπορεί να μη γνωρίζω αγγλικά,αλλά μιά εικόνα χίλιες λέξεις.
Μου ξύπνησες μνήμες πολύ άσχημες και γνωρίζω και αρκετούς Σέρβους που πολέμησαν τότε.
Δεν προλαβαίνω να σου αναλύσω γιατί αλλά συμφωνώ με τον grsail
20 Ιουλίου 2009 στις 10:57 π.μ.
προβλέπονται εξελήξεις και ανακατάξεις...:(
grsail said :
20 Ιουλίου 2009 στις 12:54 μ.μ.
... φοβάμαι μόνο προς το ... χειρότερο έ;
... στο αρνητικό επίκεντρο μπορεί να βρεθούν και τα απομεινάρια της χώρας μας :-(
20 Ιουλίου 2009 στις 12:58 μ.μ.

Δημοσίευση σχολίου
